Full Meaning of WiFi, SIM, CCTV, OTP, DATE, DNA, SMS, RSVP, POS And Other Commonly Used Acronyms
Sorry to say, but it is somehow funny how many of us use some basic acronyms on a daily basis and not know the meaning. One of the basic factor or cause for this is the fact that many of us are lazy when it comes to research or developing an interest to know more.
Knowledge they say is power and that’s true, looking at our country and the society we will realize that people with knowledge are the ones in the seat of authority and in top positions in the government and our work places.
These acronyms are acronyms that wouldn’t take you an hour to be able to memorize and know them off hand. So why not devout a little of your time today to know these acronyms in other to avoid unnecessary embarrassment.
Like I had earlier said, there are plethora of acronyms we use on a daily basis, and we don’t know their meanings, looking at the need to know these acronyms I decided to make it a point of duty to make research and have us know these acronyms.
If you are reading this article then you are lucky because today I will be exposing you to a lot of acronyms that matters most in our daily usage of acronyms and I hope we boost our knowledge of these acronyms.
They are as follows.
1) Wi-Fi: “Wireless fidelity”
2) CCTV: “Closed Circuit Television”
3) POS: “Point of sale”.
4) ATM: “Automated teller machine”
5) DVD: “Digital Versatile Disk”
7) OTP: “One Time Password”
8) DATE: “Day and time Evolution”.
9) B. C: “Before Christ”
10) A. D: “Anna Dominni”
11) BCE: Before Common Era”.
12) CE: “Christian era”
13) A. M: Ante Meridian.
14) P. M: “Post Meridian”.
13) DNA: “Deoxyribonucleic Acid”
14) BYE: “Be with you Every time”
15) VIP: “Very important person”
16) NEWSPAPER: “North, East, West, South Past and Present News”
17)SIM card: “Subscriber Identification Module”
18) RAM: “Random Access Memory”
19) ROM: ‘Read Only Memory”
20) PIN: “Personal identification number”
21) POLICE: Public officer for legal investigation and criminal Emergency 22) SWAT: “Special weapons and tactics”
23) ECOWAS: “Economic community for West African states”
24) ICU: “Intensive Care Unit”
25) AIDS: “Acquired immune deficiency Syndrome”
26) HIV: ‘Human Immunodeficiency Virus”
27) EMAIL: “Electronic mail”
28) GMAIL: “Graphical mail”
29) GOOGLE: “Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth”
30) SMS: “Short message service”
31) 3D: “Three dimensional”
32) RSVP: This is a French acronym and it means ”Repondez S’ il vous plait”.