
He has not won because this will happen in a few days time- Duncan Williams boldly reveals

Written by Felisco

He has not won because this will happen in a few days time- Duncan Williams boldly reveals

The founder and leader of the Action chapel Church, pastor Archbishop Duncan Williams has yet again made another powerful revelation while speaking today. The man of God has preached on several religious topics and promoted peace and prosperity has made another revelation which needs to be had by all. Mostly, we who call ourselves Christians are saddened by the results of certain things and that should not be the case.
There are a lot of things that becomes a burden to people and these things should not be beddings. Since the dawn of time, they have been series of tests and events which were pre-destined by God himself. Man has no role to play in things regarding nature and this is why Pastor Mensah Otabil has taken it upon himself to make some things known to his followers and to all Ghanaians.

The current battle which is been fought by Christians is a battle against the enemy which is wrong. On a daily basis, we give blames to the enemy for plying part in our problems and burdens but this is not the case. Our burdens can not be determined by the enemy- Archbishop Duncan Williams stated. He revealed that the devil has no role to play in our success or failure. The only reason why we sometimes do not prosper in the things we do is because we lack faith.

And faith is a key player in success. He further stated that we forget the fact that God has given us authority and as a result we have all demons and powers beneath our feet. The most powerful gift of creation is humans and inside humans are tons of unearthed abilities. Speaking on the Dominion tv today, he stated: If you feel the enemy in your life has won the battle, don’t give up because he has not won and you’ll become victorious in a few days time.
He further urged all those who have prayed for long to not give up. Because you might not know when your prayers are going to be answered instantly. You’ll be surprised to see a miracle happen right after you have made that request from God. And this can only happen if you have a good relationship with God through prayer.

Stay blessed

About the author


Felisco, one of the best blogger/music presenters, YouTuber and artist Manager from Ghana.
And also a Bsc. Agriculture Science student, I am here to serve you to your satisfaction.
Always visit, The premium site for music.

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