
Plantain Leaves: You Can Save Enough Money From Going To Hospital By Reading This.

Written by Felisco

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The leaves of plantain have many benefits to our skin, hair and our health.

Plantain leaf has antibacterial, anti-irritant and antiseptic properties.



The plantain leaf extract is known to have expectorant and anti-irritant properties as well.

The leaves can be made into a tea and this is said to help with indigestion, heartburn and ulcers when taking internally.

Below Are The Health Benefits of Using Plantain Leaves.

1. Plantain leaf can help treat Indigestion, Heartburn and Ulcers:

The leafs of plain is can be used used to treat indigestion, heartburn and ulcers especially when it is used as tea.

2. Plantain leaves can ease your tough periods:

The leaves of plantain work as antispasmodic. It provides relief from painful periods cramps and slows heavy bleeding.

3. The leaf can be used as a hair rinse.

The leaves of plantain can help to condition the hair shaft with moisture and protein needed for length retention. You can boil the leaves or crush it then add cool water to it. You can add another ingredients such as apple cider vinegar, and essential oils which can increase the potency.

4. Plantain leaves can also help heal your wounds quickly:

When the leaves of Plantain are applied to wounds, it kills the germs and bacteria since it contains allantoin which has antibacterial properties. Thus, speeding up the healing process with the production of new skin cells.

5. Plantain leaves reduce the effects of scarring:

The antimicrobial properties in the plantain leave aids in the skin regeneration process which allows the skin to heal properly from a wound.

6. Plantain leaves are used as natural diuretic:

Plantain leaves can enable frequent urination. This allows the body to eliminate toxins from the kidneys and bladders.

7. Plantain leaves help in easesing scalp infections:

Plantain leaf is rich in antiseptic and antimicrobial properties aids in reducing scalp infections such as dandruff, dry scalp, psoriasis and many more. These properties reduce the inflammation in the scalp that causes these scalp infections.

8. Plantain leaf is used to treat Acne: 

The plantain leaf has a cooling effect which reduces your chances of getting acne. It helps in faster healing and regeneration of healthy skin cells too.

9. The leaves of Plantain can cures insect bites:

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Plantain leaves contain anti-irritant properties which helps reduce the itchiness caused by insects bites. Hence, the skin will heave faster and properly.


About the author


Felisco, one of the best blogger/music presenters, YouTuber and artist Manager from Ghana.
And also a Bsc. Agriculture Science student, I am here to serve you to your satisfaction.
Always visit, The premium site for music.

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