
Yawa V!Deo 0f Slay Queen Shows Off Her Weird “V@G!NA” For Only $1 In The Street

Written by Felisco

Yawa V!Deo 0f Slay Queen Shows Off Her Weird “V@G!NA” For Only $1 In The Street

Cash starved slay queens are doing anything to survive as the outbreak of coronavirus leaves their purse badly dented.

Most of these slay queens used to hunt for men in clubs at night and engaged with sponsors in exchange for money but with the outbreak of coronavirus, their flesh peddling business has been hit hard.

Some have devised new ways to survive and pay bills. They are offering live shows to men for few coins.

A video currently circulating on social media platforms shows this shameless Slay Queen parading her goodies in public.

In this video, a guy is heard asking a lady to show off her tot0 –. As she pulls its lips she starts asking them for a dollar to continue showing more.

Watch the video below:

Due to our site’s Policy and guidelines, we are sorry we couldn’t post the video here for you to watch, But you can


About the author


Felisco, one of the best blogger/music presenters, YouTuber and artist Manager from Ghana.
And also a Bsc. Agriculture Science student, I am here to serve you to your satisfaction.
Always visit, The premium site for music.

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